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Soft Skills: why and where they matter
Soft Skills: why and where they matter
If a recipe for success exist, please let me know. Success in professional/love/familiar/school life seems to be the ultimate goal to be…
maddi brugali
Jul 15, 2018
Tech Start-up: when and why investing
Tech Start-up: when and why investing
Is there anything more to say about tech start-ups or has all already been said loud and clear? I am not sure. On the one hand I do think…
maddi brugali
May 30, 2018
Why Using Social Media For Improving Our Communication Strategy?
Why Using Social Media For Improving Our Communication Strategy?
Social media take an important part in our daily life. Every day, people spend hours scrolling their Facebook feed or swiping insta…
Manon Vanschepdael
May 3, 2018
The Role of Human Capital in Tech Start-Ups: how the Community of Editors Benefits itinari
The Role of Human Capital in Tech Start-Ups: how the Community of E...
I would love to state that social isolation and lack of human contact are new concepts but unfortunately a large portion of the world…
maddi brugali
Apr 15, 2018
How we are geolocalising our stories
How we are geolocalising our stories
First some context, itinari is a content platform providing traveling inspirations written by local bloggers and travellers focusing on off…
Leandre Gohy
Mar 29, 2018
Being A Web Startup In Brussels, Our Story
Being A Web Startup In Brussels, Our Story
It is a bit more than 15 months since we launched itinari. itinari wants to be the next great inspiration platform for travellers willing…
Nicolas Casula
Feb 23, 2018
A wee bit of tips before visiting Scotland
A wee bit of tips before visiting Scotland
I have always believed that one should devote all its time and energy to traveling. Especially when I was younger, I had an illusion that…
Lejla Dizdarevic
Feb 16, 2018
Unsettled: where is your home?
Unsettled: where is your home?
My “away from home” journey started when i signed up for University. 180 km away from my parents, 12 years ago. Since then, the time gap…
Zlata Golaboska
Feb 9, 2018
February Fun: the Italian Carnevale
February Fun: the Italian Carnevale
Ogni scherzo vale, a Carnevale — Every joke counts, during Carnival.
maddi brugali
Feb 2, 2018
Greek Adventure Project- Partnership Presentation
Greek Adventure Project- Partnership Presentation
As you already know, itinari is finally a well-established startup in the field of e-tourism, growing continuously and gaining a lot of…
Chrisa Lepida
Jan 26, 2018
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